The Universe’s Origin: A Divine Cause

The Universe’s Origin: A Divine Cause

#BoldBeliefDevotional by Paul Natekin

Key Bible Verse:

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” — Genesis 1:1 (NIV)

Ever wonder where everything came from? It’s a big question that can make you feel small. You’re not alone if you’ve questioned how the universe began. Let’s dive into this together and see what answers we can find.

Apologetic Insight:

(from Greek ἀπολογία, ‘speaking in defense’) Defending and explaining faith with reason and evidence.

The statement you provided touches on a critical argument in Christian apologetics—the cosmological argument for the existence of God. As William Lane Craig explains on, “The universe cannot be past-eternal but must have had a beginning.” This aligns perfectly with the opening verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, which asserts that God is the first cause, the uncaused cause of everything.

Philosophers and scientists, including those like Norman Geisler, have argued that the principle of causality—that something cannot come from nothing—points to a necessary being who exists outside of time and space. This being, as described by classical theism, is God. J. Warner Wallace at adds that the fine-tuning of the universe’s constants further supports the idea of an intelligent design behind creation.

The concept of an infinite regress, where each event is caused by a previous event without a starting point, is logically untenable. As Greg Koukl from puts it, “An infinite regress of causes can’t exist in reality because it would never arrive at the present moment.” Therefore, there must be a first cause, and Genesis 1:1 boldly declares that this first cause is God.

Encouragement & Application:

Feeling doubts about the universe’s origin is normal, but it’s also an invitation to explore deeper truths. Take time to reflect on the wonder of creation and how it points to a purposeful designer. Engage with resources like books or websites from trusted apologists to strengthen your understanding. And don’t hesitate to discuss these big questions with a mentor or within your faith community.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the idea of God as the uncaused cause impact your view of the universe?
  2. What steps can you take to explore and deepen your understanding of creation and its implications for your faith?


Dear God, thank You for the wonder of Your creation and the assurance that You are the beginning of all things. Help us to trust in Your wisdom and to seek You with honest hearts. Guide us as we explore the big questions of life and faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Written by
Paul Natekin
Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin is the Chief Editor of “Мир Вашему Дому” Peace to Your Home magazine and a teaching fellow at Emmaus School and the Great Commission Missionary School. He also writes apologetic blogs aimed at questioning Christians and sincere skeptics.

As a disciple of Christ, I aspire to lead others to Him through my actions. His transformative grace and plan is crafting my simple life into a marvel beyond comprehension.

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