#BoldBeliefDevotional by Paul Natekin
Key Bible Verse:
“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” — Galatians 3:28 (NIV)
Many have wrestled with passages in Paul’s letters that, at first glance, seem to support social hierarchies like slavery. When critics point to Paul’s instructions to slaves or his handling of the Onesimus situation, it can feel as though the biblical text is endorsing a system of inequality. But when we dig deeper into Scripture, we see that Paul was speaking into a broken cultural context while revealing a transformative truth: every person is made in the image of God.
Apologetic Insight:
(from Greek ἀπολογία, ‘speaking in defense’) Defending and explaining faith with reason and evidence.
From Genesis 1:27, the Bible declares, “So God created mankind in his own image,” affirming the inherent dignity of every human being. Although the ancient world often practiced slavery, the Mosaic law included provisions for eventual freedom and humane treatment (Exodus 21:2, Exodus 21:20-26). In his letters, Paul wasn’t commending the status quo of his day but rather pointing toward a radical equality that transcends earthly structures. As he reminds us in Galatians 3:28, our identity in Christ breaks down these social distinctions. The letter to Philemon, where Paul urges Philemon to welcome Onesimus as “a beloved brother,” powerfully challenges the oppressive norms of that time. Viewed through the lens of full biblical teaching, Paul’s teachings are not an endorsement of slavery but a call to see one another as treasured offspring of God. In the words of C.S. Lewis, “The more we focus on God, the less we see ourselves as superior to others.” This truth invites us to live out the radical equality found in Christ.
Encouragement & Application:
When the complexities of ancient culture and modern criticism intersect, it’s healthy to ask questions. Remember, doubts are windows to deeper faith. Reflect on how God’s Word consistently elevates every human being by affirming our value in His image. Allow this insight to transform the way you view others—not through societal ranks but as beloved family in Christ. Consider setting aside regular time to explore Scripture, engage with a trusted mentor, and discuss these questions in your faith community.
Reflection Questions:
- How does Galatians 3:28 reshape your understanding of personal worth and equality?
- In what ways can you actively see and treat others as “beloved brothers and sisters” in Christ?
- How might the historical context of Paul’s letters deepen your appreciation for the transformative power of the Gospel?
Dear Lord, thank You for the truth that in You all barriers fall away. Help me see every person as a precious creation, made in Your image and equal in Your love. Grant me the wisdom to understand Your Word in its full context and the courage to live out its radical message of unity and grace. Transform my heart so that bias and judgment are replaced by compassion and humility. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.