Miracles and Unbelief

Miracles and Unbelief

#BoldBeliefDevotional by Paul Natekin

Key Bible Verse:

“For they did not believe in God or trust in his deliverance, though he had commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of the heavens; he rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain of heaven.” — Psalm 78:22-24 (NIV)

Have you ever wondered why some people don’t believe in God despite the miracles recorded in the Bible? It’s a question that might shake your faith or make you curious about the human heart’s response to God’s signs.

Apologetic Insight:

(from Greek ἀπολογία, ‘speaking in defense’) Defending and explaining faith with reason and evidence.

The Bible recounts numerous instances where God performed miracles, yet many people still chose not to believe. As J. Warner Wallace points out in his book “Cold-Case Christianity,” the presence of miracles doesn’t automatically lead to faith. Wallace notes, “The evidence for God’s existence is compelling, but the human heart can still choose to reject it.” This perspective helps us understand that God’s miracles are not just about proving His existence but also about inviting us into a relationship with Him.

In the times of Moses, the Israelites witnessed incredible miracles like the parting of the Red Sea, yet many still rebelled (Exodus 14:21-31). Similarly, during Jesus’ ministry, He performed numerous miracles, yet many refused to follow Him (John 12:37). As C.S. Lewis wrote in “Miracles,” “The miracle is not the primary thing; it is the sign pointing to something greater.”

God’s choice to work through human intermediaries, as seen in the commissioning of His prophets and apostles, underscores His desire for us to be active participants in His plan. As Greg Koukl explains in “Tactics,” “God has chosen to use us as His ambassadors, sharing the good news with others.” This aligns with the Great Commission given by Jesus in Matthew 28:19 and Acts 1:8, where He calls all believers to be His witnesses.

Encouragement & Application:

Remember, even if you’ve never seen a miracle firsthand, your faith can still be strong. God’s Word is filled with testimonies of His power and love. Take time to read and meditate on these stories, and consider how you can be a witness for Christ in your own life. Engage with a community of believers who can support and encourage you in your faith journey.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the story of the Israelites’ unbelief despite witnessing miracles challenge or strengthen your faith?
  2. In what ways can you be a witness for Christ, even without performing miracles?


Dear Lord, thank You for the miracles recorded in Your Word that show Your power and love. Help us to trust in You even when we don’t see miracles in our own lives. Give us the courage and wisdom to share Your good news with others, just as Your prophets and apostles did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Written by
Paul Natekin
Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin is the Chief Editor of “Мир Вашему Дому” Peace to Your Home magazine and a teaching fellow at Emmaus School and the Great Commission Missionary School. He also writes apologetic blogs aimed at questioning Christians and sincere skeptics.

As a disciple of Christ, I aspire to lead others to Him through my actions. His transformative grace and plan is crafting my simple life into a marvel beyond comprehension.

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