Truth Beyond Doubt

Truth Beyond Doubt

#BoldBeliefDevotional by Paul Natekin

Key Bible Verse:

“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” — Romans 1:20

Have you ever noticed how our world seems to whisper secrets about its Creator? Many who question whether God exists often find themselves caught between inquiry and hesitation. It’s natural to wonder, especially when doubt is dressed in the language of inquiry. Yet, when we look closely, the very fabric of our universe, along with history’s testimony, speaks loudly of a Master Designer.

Apologetic Insight:

(from Greek ἀπολογία, ‘speaking in defense’) Defending and explaining faith with reason and evidence.

Skeptics take comfort in their doubt, sure in the belief that uncertainty is the only honest position. But consider this: if doubt were the highest form of inquiry, how do we explain the overwhelming evidence for intelligent design woven into the cosmos? Renowned apologists like William Lane Craig and C.S. Lewis remind us that the intricate order of nature and the astonishing fulfillment of Old Testament messianic prophecies in Jesus Christ are not mere coincidences. As Lewis remarked, pain and wonder alike “shout” His truth into our lives. Look at the 25,000 archaeological discoveries by scholars—even many of them non-Christian—that confirm people, places, and events chronicled in Scripture. These facts aren’t abstract; they are tangible affirmations that the New Testament writers were convinced enough of Jesus’ identity to endure suffering and even death for their faith. When skeptics claim the worldview of doubt is titanic, one must ask: How can a philosophy that doubts its own certainty ever hold up against the multifaceted evidence of history, science, and fulfilled prophecy?

Scripture ties back to this argument by showing us that creation itself testifies to the existence and nature of God. Romans 1:20 tells us that God’s attributes are “clearly seen” through what He has made—an invitation to trust in the evidence surrounding us rather than to settle into perpetual skepticism.

Encouragement & Application:

If doubt finds its way into your heart, remember that faith is not the absence of questions but the confidence to seek answers. Explore the evidence in creation, history, and Scripture. Try studying these topics with trusted mentors or in community with friends who are also pursuing truth. Regularly engage with the Bible and thoughtful apologetic works, and allow your questions to lead you deeper into a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does Romans 1:20, with its testimony of creation, help you confront your doubts about God’s existence?
  2. In what ways might exploring the historical and prophetic evidence for Jesus challenge or strengthen your current beliefs?
  3. How can you use your questions as stepping stones toward a richer faith rather than obstacles?


Dear Lord, thank You for revealing Yourself through creation and history. In the midst of my doubts and questions, help me to see Your hand at work in every detail of life. Grant me wisdom to explore the evidence, courage to ask honest questions, and the assurance that my search for truth leads back to Your loving heart. Strengthen my faith as I seek to know You more deeply. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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Written by
Paul Natekin
Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin

Paul Natekin is the Chief Editor of “Мир Вашему Дому” Peace to Your Home magazine and a teaching fellow at Emmaus School and the Great Commission Missionary School. He also writes apologetic blogs aimed at questioning Christians and sincere skeptics.

As a disciple of Christ, I aspire to lead others to Him through my actions. His transformative grace and plan is crafting my simple life into a marvel beyond comprehension.

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